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Monday, December 6, 2010

Speaking homework No.2

Giving advice Speaking Homework   
                         13109213 Masashi Kawakami
1310917 Takuya Kudou
Let’s practice giving advice now. We will use the good points and bad points for sports.
Here is an example for American football.

Sport: American ball
Good point: become a strong man
Bad point: make a many hurt

Read the conversation then practice with a friend. When you are finished, write similar conversation using one of your sports. Work with a partner.

A: I have been thinking of begin an American football. But I have not decided yet. Do you think it’s a good idea?
B: I don’t know. Why do you want to begin American football?
A: Well, I think that American football is becoming a strong my body.
B: Sure you could become a strong body. But I think that American football is make a many hurt your body. So you have to careful to play American football.
A: Do you really think so?
B: Sure. But, American football is very exciting sports. So I recommend for begin to American football.
A: Thank you. I will begin to play American football.


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