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Friday, December 24, 2010

Speaking homework 2

Speaking Homework
13109213 Masashi Kawakami

1. … does not watch TV.
Q. Do you watch TV?
A. Yes, I do. I watch TV every day. How about you?
Q. What program do you like best?
2. … reads a newspaper everyday.
Q. Do you read English newspaper?
  A. No, I don’t. But I read at times. How about you?
Q. What do you like news category?
3. … surfs the internet using your cell phone.
Q. How many bookmark your cell phone?
A. My bookmark is a lot of in my cell phone. How about you?
Q. How long does it takes you use internet a day?
4. … likes horror movies.
Q. Do you like Japanese horror movies?
A. I don’t like Japanese horror movies. I don’t like all horror movies. How about you?
Q. Which do you like Japanese horror or American horror movies?
5. … likes variety and quiz shows.
Q. Do you watch variety TV?
A. I like variety TV. I watch it every day. How about you?
Q. Do you like watch for quiz shows?
6. … watches sports on TV
Q. What kind of do you like watch sports?
A. I like watch sports is soccer. I like it very much. How about you?
Q. Which do you like watch baseball game or soccer game?
7. … has satellite television.
Q. Do you have a satellite television?
A. Yes I do. How about you? Do you like satellite TV?
Q. What kind of do you like satellite television?

8. … likes a band that parents also like.
Q. What kind of do your parents like music?
A. My parents like Chage and Aska. How about your parents?
Q. Do your parents like Mr. Children?
9. … gets all there news from the Internet
Q. How long does it use for Internet news?
A. I watch for 30 minute in my cell phone. How about you?
Q. Which do you like watch Internet News or TV News?
10. … use the video phones.
Q. What do you think that video phones?
A. I think that video phone is very useful tool. How about do you think?
Q. What kind of do you watch on video phone?
11. …rides a bicycle use the telephone.
Q. Do you know that don’t use the telephone on bicycle?
A. Yes I do. I strictly use cell phone on bicycle. How about you?
Q. Did you warning for police about rides a bicycle use the telephone?
12. … does not own a music CD.
Q. Do you have an own music CD?
A. I don’t have own CD. How about you too?
Q. Did you release an own CD?
13. … has see the movie at the cinema in the last week.
Q. Do you like movies?
A. Yes I do. I like action movies. How about you?
Q. Do you like watch movies on cinema?
14. … loves to watch love stories.
Q. What kind of stories do you like?
A. I like comedy stories. How about you?
Q. Which do you like hard love stories or happy love stories?
15. … has read the novel in the last year?
Q. How long does it take read novel in a day?
A. I don’t like read novel. So I don’t read novel. How about you?
Q. What kind of do you like novels?

16. … listens to Jazz?
Q. What kind of do you like music category?
A. I like R&B music. How about you?
Q. Do you know jazz singer?

17. … listens to radio everyday
Q. Do you like “All night Nippon”?
A. Yes I do. But I listen to at time.
Q. Do you listen to radio on the car?

18. … on the MD player.
Q. Do you have a MD player?
A. Yes, I have a “iPod”. How about you?
Q. Do you have a “iPod”?



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