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Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Blog Stats

Total words 7104 words

Total Post 85

Book review 14books

About Russia

I want to introduce Russia. I am studying Russian now. I think that Russian is very difficult.
Russia is the federal Republic nation. Russia has vast best land in the world. The capital of Moscow.Before, It was said that Soviet federation. The climate of Russia is very cold. In Russia, the resources are abundant countries. Recently, Russia is expanded trade. The official language of Russia is Russian. In Russia, there is a lot of World Heritage. The Olympics was held as for Russia in 1980. The Olympic Winter Games is scheduled to be held by the sotie in 2014. I am very interested in Russian. I want to become good Russian. Therefore, I want to study hard during summer vacation.


About me

I like to play soccer. I also like to listen to music. Another thing I enjoy is going shopping. I like to play tennis, and I also like to watch TV. I enjoy play golf, but I don't like to cook.
When I have free time, I like to watch TV. I also like to go to the movies. I enjoy to play video games, but I don't like to computer games.


About My Room

I introduce to my room. I live alone in the Kumamoto. My room is very comfortable for me. Because it is big enough for me. I have a desk in the corner, Next to the bookcase. All the books I need to use while I am studying are in the bookcase. And, My bed is not big, but it is very comfortable. My clothes press is very big for me. It is necessary for live alone people who I often watch a DVD, paly a video game, watch a drama in my room. But TV is small. I want to buy a new big TV. My room is usually clean. But sometimes my room is messy. I think that my room has to be cleaned once a week. I satisfied with my room.


My hometown

My hometown, Thushima is very beautiful town. Nowdays, I live in Kumamoto which I have lived in Tsushima until was a high school student. Tsushima is in Nagasaki. By the way, Nagasaki is next to the Kumamoto. But Tsushima is very solitary is land. If anything, it is more near, Korea than Nagasaki. Tsushima has very beautiful sea and many fresh fish. So many fisherman always fish. Above all I think that cuttlefish fishing. So many fisherman always cuttlefish fishing boat's lights are very beautiful in night. And fish is delicious. But Tsushima is very country, accordingly all the people are kind to other people. And about four million people lives inside Tsushima,it is a good spot. You have to go there. You will enjoy here. Thank you.


About friend room

My bedroom is small but cozy. There are two windows so my room is usually bright and sunny. I have a desk for my laptop computer. All the books I need to use while I am studying are in the bookcase. My bed is across from the desk. It is not big, but it is comfortable. Above the bed, there is a painting of a bowl of fruit that I did in my art class. It is not very good, but I love the bright colors. I also have an old dresser that belonged to my grandfather. There are several photographs of my family on top of it. I enjoy spending time in my bedroom.


My room

My room is often beautiful, because I am cleaning up my room once a month. I live there with my sister. It is very fun for me to use it with her. There are lot of texts and notebooks on the my desk. There is the other desk, hers, in back of it. There is a CD player between my desk and her desk. There is a computer on a table above my desk. I want to use it beautifully.


About Kumamoto

About Kumamoto city, Kumamoto city is good place. There is Kumamoto castle in Kumamoto city. It is very big and beautiful. There are beautiful scenes when the cherry blossom are in full bloom in spring and the leaves turns in autumn. Please go there. You are sure to be surprised. There are a lot of local foods of Kumamoto city. Do you know any local foods? The local foods of Kumamoto are "Basashi","Karashirenkon". Basashi is meat of horse. We eat raw meat. It is very good. The other foods are very good too.
Do you like shopping? There are many shops in Kumamoto. If you will go shopping. You should go to "Shimotori". There are very nice shops. Variety store, clothes store,etc... Please enjoy shopping, and your life in Kumamoto.


My sad memory

My memory is sad. I have a broken three times until now. First, I broke my elbow in elementary school student. Next time, when was a high school student. Then I broke my wrist. Because I dropped for high place. In elementary school , I did wail in hospital . Because it hurt. That hurt is never forget. In junior high school, I could endure the hurt. I thoght that I will not happen broke my born. But I broke my born in high school yet again. In those days I belonged to baseball club. When I was a better, the ball was hit my nose. This is the most hurt for my life. My memory is sad.



I want to introduce Germany. The official language of Germany is German. The city in Germany is Berlin. The standard nomenclature of Germany is the Federal Republic of Germany. Germany integrated in 1990. The East Germany and West Germany existed in old times. In Germany, there are the president and a Prime Minister. The term of office is five years. A German federal army exists in Germany. There is a military conscription in Germany now. German economy is good. Germany's industry is very active. The car from Germany is famous. As for Germany, the gastronomic culture is famous. The sausage is famous in Germany. Moreover, soccer is a very strong country in Germany. The World Cup was held in Germany in 2006. Germany's soccer is very strong. They are always good grades in the World Cup.
The abbreviation of Germany is BLD.


About New Zealand

I introduce New Zealand. I like New Zealand. English is spoken in New Zealand. ļ¼”Aukeland is the maximum city in New Zealand. The population of New Zealand is 42.66 million people. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy nation. In New Zealand, there is a race named Maori person. The Maori person has a peculiar culture. There is four seasons in New Zealand. And, New Zealand is a mild weather. New Zealand is country that lives easily. New Zealand's mining is active. However, that scale is small. Moreover, forestry and New Zealand's forest industry are very active. New Zealand is founding of sightseeing. The Japanese often goes on trip to New Zealand. It is easy to go from Japan to New Zealand. New Zealand is more European than the half of the population. New York is Catholicism. Recently, discrimination becomes a problem in New Zealand. I want to go to New Zealand in the future.

160 words


I like baseball. I always see the professional baseball. I like Giants. Giants is a strong team. It does at 3rd straight victory now. And, Giants is the head position now. Giants is always a strong team. However, Hanshin Tigers is also strong this year. Giants and Tigers are rivals. Up to now, great player has appeared in Giants. The player who I think the best player is "OH Sadaharu". He is called a home-run king in the world.He hit 868 home runs through his life. This is a great record. This record is the first place in the world. He is great Japanese. I respect him. Because his character is also great. He was excellent as the supervisor. He led Hawks in Fukuoka and became a top of Japan. Moreover, he lead the win in the world. I want him to supervise again.


About mountain

Mt. Aso is a mountain in Kumamoto Prefecture. Mt. Aso is an eminent mountain also in the world. Mt. Aso is a symbol of Kumamoto. Because the volcanic activity becomes active at one stage, it is prohibited to go to be near. Moreover, the standard name of Mt. Aso is called Aso gogaku. I went to Kumamoto for the first time when in the second grade of elementary school I. At that time, I went to Mt. Aso for the first time. I was very impressed by the Mt. Aso that had been seen for the first time. I want to go some time.


School trip

I lived to the high school age in Tsushima. South Korean had been coming to sightseeing since time in the first grade of high-school. However, I heard was the mostly bad manners of the South Korean. Food is opened before money is paid in the shop. There was a prohibition of South Korean going At that time, I felt that it was uninhibited though I went to South Korea in the school trip when in the second grade of high-school I by various scenes. I felt the different culture in the difference of sympathy to Japanese and South Korean's others among high school students.


About Black Person

This experience is one of the shameful episodes in my life. I think that I am in a hurry because the black is seen for the first time in the life. However, black's person was candidly talking to the Japanese was seen when walking Yonkatyo when becoming a university student and going to Sasebo to meet the friend again. Black's person might have only candidly talked to me at that time possibly. I scare black's person for a long time.

82 words

Sasebo in high school age

I went to Sasebo in Nagasaki to take an examination of Nagasaki Prefectural University at the third grade of high-school. There is a place called "Yonkatyo" in the shopping arcade in Sasebo. There are a lot of foreign people because there is near the U.S. Army base in Sasebo. I was going to search for the town. I arrived at the hotel in Sasebo. And,I went to "Yonkatyo" at night. Then, Yonkatyo at night only foreign people in daytime. It was large, and I felt scary impression. The black of the group came forward when I was walking in the arcade. One black people was put "Hey you !!" and the talk on me when starting steering around. First of all, I have been surprised by it. And, it was asked by the person said "What's your name ?". I said "I don't know." rushing it and to run away, I felt very scary impression.
             155 words   

Real Madrid

I like Real Madrid. Real Madrid is very powerful soccer team in Spain. Real Madrid is same powerful for Barcelona. My favorite soccer player is C.Ronald. He is perfect soccer player. He is very tall and cool. And, His dribble very fast. Nobody can't stop his dribble. And he has strong free kick. His kick called camera shake kick. Now, Nobody gall keeper can't stop his kick. He is Portguese. Portugal is very strong for soccer. FIFA lank is third place. But this time World Cup is bad result. They were lost for Spain. This time, Portugal was boring soccer. So, I expectation to next World Cup for Portugal.

110 words

About Barcelona

I like soccer. I like to see the World Cup very much. I like soccer of the club team. I like to see soccer of Europe. My favorite soccer player is Xabi. He has the technique very much. He belongs to Barcelona. Barcelona is the best club team in the world. Barcelona is very spectacle soccer. I always enjoyed watch for Barcelona's game. They are playing very beautiful soccer. Barcelona's good point is pass. Barcelona's pass soccer is very beautiful. Everyone has good technique in Barcelona. And, Everyone all star player in Barcelona.

93 words


Today, I went to driver school. ļ¼© want to driver's license. But drive is very difficult for me. I want to well driver technique. And I feel difficult for driver class. Everyone have driver's license. So, I want to get early driver's license.

44 words

Friday, July 30, 2010

About Mexico

I want to introduce Mexico. Mexico is using Spanish as an official language. The capital of Mexico is Mexico city. The population of 109.95 million people. Mexico is the federal republic nation in Latin America located in a North American southern part. The culture develops into Mexico very much. Especially,Mexico is very famous the gastronomic culture. The dish of Mexico is famous because it is very painful. It is a taco that it is the most famous in the Mexican cuisine. And, Mexico's soccer strong. It was a win in this year's World Cup even as for the final tournament. Let's come to Mexico.

105 words

Friday, July 16, 2010

My Blog Stats

Total words 7034 words

Total post 58

Book review 14

About Kumamoto mountain

last class

Today is last writing class. As soon as comes test week. I must to hard study for test.


Now,I am achievement 7000 words in my KAWA blog. It is very hard for me. But blogger is very fun for me. Next class, I must to do blogger 15000 words. It is very difficult for me. But I am going to achievement it. So, I am going to do blogger in summer vacation. And I will achievement 10000 words in spring class. So, I have to face each other for my PC. But I want to sleep.



I am very tired. Because, recently I have to many homework. So, I am very tired. I want to early come summer vacation. I am looking forward to my summer vacation. But, I must to study for test. Now, I am very busy. But I think that I spend to good times.


A Rat for Mouse

I read the Rat Mouse. Everyone loved Mouse and Jojo's new hamster,Jumbo. They thought he was sweet and funny. But Mouse was not very keen on him. "He is too shy,and he hides all the time,"he said. "You should like him,then," said Jojo. "He's
just like you!" Mouse wanted another pet. "There are two of us,so we should have two pets," he said. Jojo liked the idea of having Jumbo all to herself. They went to ask their mum. The next day, mr Macdonald took mouse to the pet shop. He thought mouse would choose another rabbit. But Mouse did not want another rabbit. he could never love another rsbbit as much as he had loved Lucky. They looked at fish and birds. They looked at gerbils, guinea pigs and chinchillas. Nothing seemed quite right. But then Mouse saw the rat. He was in a cage on his own,eating a sunflower seed. His front paws were like tiny pink hands. He stopped eating, and looked at Mouse. "This is what Iwant!" cried Mouse. The shopkeeper said that rats made very good pets. They were clean and clever. But they were not like other animals. A rat was a one-person pet. he would love his owner and never hurt him, but he would probably not let other people pick him up. The shopkeeper told mouse,"You should only choose a rat if you are sure you can love him and look after him, because he will not let anyone else do it for you." "I'm sure," said Mouse.
Mouse wanted to stroke the rat, but the man said he would have to get the rat's trust first. It would take several days. "Just put your hand inside the cage and let him sniff it,"he said. "Don't try to handle him until he comes to you, or he might bite you." They chose a cage with a ladder and a wheel. Mouse was very excited. He could not wait to get home and show the others his new pet.
But when his mum sae it, her mouth fell open. Mouse explained that rats made very good pets. Jojo wanted to pick the rat up, but Mouse said, "You can not. He won't let you," he told them what the pet shop man had said. then he made a sign and stuck it on the cage. It said,"This rat might bite."
Mouse called his rat Ricky. Every day, when he fed Ricky, he put his hand inside the cage, and let the rat sniff him. He had to be very brave,because sometimes Ricky opened his mouth and put his teeth round mouse's finger. his teeth were long and yellow. But he never bit Mouse.
On the third day, Ricky walked onto Mouse's hand. He ran up Mouse's arm.,and darted inside his sweatshirt. He ran up and down inside his sleeve. After that,Mouse's rat went everywhere with him. he shared mouse's meals. He helped Mouse with his homework. He curled up in his cage at night, right next to Mouse's bed. But Ricky was not sure about anyone else. He would let people stroke him, but he would never let them pick him up.
One day, when the friends were watching television,Ricky took Ben's biscuit. Without thinking , Ben made a grab for him. The rat spun round and sank his teeth into Ben's finger.Ben let out a yell, and Mrs Macdonald came rushing in. Ricky let go and ran back to Mouse. "Ricky has bitten Ben!" cried Jojo. "You will have to take him back to the pet shop,"said Sam. Mrs Macdonald made Ben put his finger under the cold tap. "Perhaps a rat isn't a good pet after all,"she said.
Mouse was angry. "It was not Ricky's fault!" he protested. "You all know what the man from the pet shop said. Ben should not have grabbed him like that."
Ben agreed. "Mouse is right. I should not have tried to pick Ricky up. I just forgot." After that, no one forgot again. Everyone was a bit scared of Mouse's rat. They thought he was fierce and dangerous. But Mouse adored him.


Down comes the Rain

I read the Down Comes The Rain. Rain comes from clouds. It comes from black clouds,white clouds,and gray clouds. All clouds-big ones and little ones, gray ones and white ones-are made of billions of tiny drops of water. The drpos are called dropslets,because they are so small. If this is the size of a drop of water,a droplet would be just at tiny speck, even smaller than this one. Water droplets come from water vapor. Water vapor is a gas. Water vapor is made when water evaporates. That means the water changes from a liquid to a gas. Most of the water vapor in the air comes from lakes,rivers,and oceans. It comes from the leaves of plants,and from the wet ground. When you breath out,you put water vapor into the air. Usually,you can't see the water vapor. But it is there. When cows, horses, dogs, and cats breathe out, they put water vapor into the air,too. On a cold day,the water vapor changes to droplets and makes little clouds that you can see.
You can make water vapor change to water. Sometimes the glaa stays dry. That means there is not much water vapor in the air. The air holds the water vapor. Breezes carry it from one place to another. Much of the vapor moves up and away from the earth.
 A single droplet is so small you can not see it. But you can see a cloud. That's because there are millions and millions of water droplets in a cloud. Sometimes there are only a few small raindrops that fall slowly. It is drizzling. Sometimes there are lots of big drops that fall very fast. Now it is pouring. Sometimes the drops in clouds freeze. These raindrops become ice drops. This can happen even on a hot summer day. That's because the clouds and water droplets are high above the earth. many clouds are so high that it is freezing cold. In these high, cold clouds, water vapor changes to droplets,and the droplets change to drops. The drops freeze into ice. As they are carried upward, more water collects on the tiny bits of ice. When that water freezes, the drops of ice have another layer on them. The ice drops are now heavier, so once more they fall toward the earth. but air moving away from the earth. But air moving away from the earth may carry the ice drops upward again, Higher and higher they go,and another layer of ice freezes onto them. The ice drops get heavier. They get so heavy that the air can no longer carry them upward. So the ice drops fall to the earth. It is raining ice.
It evaporrates from lakes, rivers, and oceans. It evaporates from the leaves of plants and from the wet ground. It evaporates from cows and horses,from cats and dogs, when the water vapor cools, it condenses. The water vapor changes to water droplets, and all together the droplets make clouds. Water droplets join together to make water drops. The drpos fall to the earth from the clouds.
Once more it is raining.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Headache

I read the Headache. One day Dad had a trumpet. Then Chip had a drum. Next biff had a recorder. Finaly, Kipper had a guiter. The room was very big noise. Mum had a head ache. This story is very interesting. I was very laugh. I think that Kipper's family is good spend every day.


Presents for Dad

I read the Presents for Dad. This story was good story for me. Kipper's father is in the hospital. He broken his foot. Then,Kipper bring to bunch of flowers. And, box of chocolate, bunch of grapes. Finaly kipper's mother kissfor Dad. He is very happy. And me too. I want to good family for future. This story is very good.


A New Dog

I read the A New Dog. This story is Kipper wanted a dog. Everyone wanted a dog. Next day ,they went ti the dog's home. They looked at the dogs. Kipper wanted the big dog. But this dog too big. So everyone serect to normal size dogs. I read this story that I want to dogs.


Monkey Tricks

I read the Monkey Tricks. This story is very fun. I like to the monkey. The children went to the zoo. they looked at the giraffes. The giraffes were tall. Next to they looked to at the seals. The seals were hungry. And they looked at the monkeys. The monkeys were funny. Then kipper not here. They looked for Kipper. kipper looked like a monkey. So, They dont know him.


A Big Egg

I read the Big Egg. This story is began to the children fed the hens. They looked for eggs. They put the eggs in a box. I like to the eggs. So I want to this experience. The children very enjoyed. And dad had an idea. Then Kipper went on looking. He founf the new egg. But the egg is big too. Everyone thinks not bird's egg. And dad said "Come and see this." They looked big bird. this story is difficult for me.


A Sinking Feeling

I read the A Sinking Feeling. This story is on the pool. The children were in the pool. Wilma climbed on the big duck figure. Wilma is girl. And every children began ride on duck. Then duck sink to head. This story is one thing teach me. Every thing be careful. This story is good for my life.


The Journey

I read the Journey.This story is in the car. They are going to picnic on journey. Then, kipper said "I'm hungry." And ,he left the car, he went to The Big Easter.The Big Eater is food court. His mother take Kipper to the own car. But, Kipper's father said "We goes The Big Eater." I think his father kind.


Kipper's Birthday

I read the Kipper's Birthday. this story was about Kipper's Birthday. Kipper is child. He likes to do party. I think so too. So, he wanted to do party for own birthday. And, Evryone wanted come too. And ,comes Kipper'S birthday. Kipper's mother made a cake. Kipper likes to cake. I thought to my birthday. I was joy this story. And, everyone came to the Kipper's party. Then,Kipper's mother shouted. Because, many bubble in the kitchen room. But the children played the bubbles."What a good party!!"everyone said. This story was very fun.


Newspaper Chase.

I read the "Newspaper Chase". This story is one man of thief. He takes a famous painting and puts it in an old newspaper. He is a very bad thief. He was invader to house. And, He goes quietly up to his room and closes the door. In the morning, Janey Allen is in the kitchen. She was stolen famous paintings. But,the thief was locke to police. I think that must not to bad thing.


About Lost Key the story

I read the "The Lost Key. Kipper wanted a magic adventure but the magic key would not glow. It had not glowed for a long time. "Maybe it will glow if I keep it with me,"he thought,so he put it in his pocket. Mum had to go shopping. She wanted Kipper to go with her. "I want to get you some new trainers," she said ,"so come on." Kipper forgot he had the key in his pocket. On the way to the shops, Mum let Kipper stop and play.he ran to the rocket and the key fell out of his pocket and on to the grass.
"Lock at me, Mum!" he called.
Kipper locked in his pockets but the key was not there. "Oh no!"said Kipper. "Where is the key? I can't have lost it,can I?" But he had lost the key. Kipper wanted to go and lock for the key, but Mum would not let him. It had started to rain and Mum wanted to get home. "Ask Biff and Chip to look for it,"she said.
A man came to cut the grass. He cut it with a mower. The mower ran over the magic key with a clang. "What was that?"said the man. The key had broken mower. "Grrrr!"the man said,crossly."Now I shall have to mend the mower." He was so cross that he threw the magic key in a bin. Two boys came to play on the swings. One of the boys looked in the bin and found the key. "Lock at this old,bent key,"he said. "What sahll we do with it?" The boys took the key with them. One of them had some string. He tied the key to the string and spun it round and round.
Suddenly the string broke and the key flew through the air. It hit a greenhouse with a crash and broke the grass. "Oh no!"said the boys. "Look at my greenhouse!"yelled the man. "The glass is broken." The boys ran away as fast as they could. "Just you come back here," called the man.
Kipper had to tell Biff and Chip that he had lost the magic key. "I think I lost it by the rocket," he said,"but Mum wouldn't let me look for it." "come on,"said Chip. "We must find it."
Wilf and Wilma helped them look for the lost key. Biff asked the man if he had seen it. "Yes,"said the man. "I threw it in that bin,but two boys took it out.
The children saw the two boys. They asked them if they had found the key. "Yes,"said the boys,"but we lost it again. We broke a man's greenhouse with it."
They saw the man with the greenhouse. "We are sorry about the broken glass,"said Chip,"but could we have the key?" "Sorry,"said the man. "I sold the key to the junk shop to help pay for the glass." The children went to the junk shop. They told the lady about the key and asked her if she had it. "Sorry," said the lady. "I have just sold it." The lady told them who had it. "A man came in,"she said. "He wanted some old keys." She told them that the man had a shop down the street.
The children went to the man's shop. In the window there were pictures and paintings.
"Why do you think the man wants old keys?"asked Wilf. Wilma looked inside the shop. It was closed and she couldn't see the man. "We must get our pocket money,"said Biff. "We may have to buy the key back." "Let's go home, then,"said Chip.
Mum went to the shop with the children. She told the man about the key and how Kipper had lost it. She asked if they could have the key back. "Yes,"said the man."If you can find it." The man had painted some pictures and had lots of keys in them. All the keys had put lots of keys in them. All the keys had been painted. The children looked at the pictures but they couldn't see the magic key. They looked at all the pictures. "All the keys look the same,"said Biff. Suddenly Kipper saw a little picture. It had one key in it. "Here it is,"he said. "This is our key." The man told them that they would have to buy the picture. Biff and Chip gave Mum their pocket money, and Mum paid the man. "It's a lot to pay for an old key,"she said.
The children pulled the key from the picture and rubbed off the paint. Then they looked at it. "The key has not glowed for a long time,"said Biff."Perhaps it has lost its magic." "It's been out in the rain,"said Wiff,"and it's been bent by a mower." "It's been through a window,"said Chip,"and it's been stuck on a painting." "It's had a bad time,"said Wilma. The children wanted the key to glow. Wilma picked it up. "Do you think it will ever glow again?" she said. "Do you think the magic will still work?" "I don't know,"said Biff. "I hope so." But the key didn't glow and the magic wouldn't work. Kipper told the key about the adventures ha would like to have. But still the magic wouldn't work.
The next day, Wilf and Wilma came to the house with Nadim and Anneena. The children were sorry about the key. It still wouldn't glow and they were all very sad. "How can we make the magic work again?" asked Wilma. Anneena thought of a good idea. "Let's remind it of the magic adventures," she said. "Maybe that will make it work." But the key still didn't glow. At last the children gave up. Mum told biff and Chip it was time for their friends to go home. "Cheer up,"said Mum. Kipper was sorry about the key. "It's all my fault,"he said and he began to cry. "Don't cry,Kipper,"said Chip. "Maybe the magic has just run out."
Biff and Chip let Kipper take the key to bed. Kipper looked at it for a long time. At last he fell asleep. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow.
I think that this story is esay to read. The words very easy. And this story is very interesting.


About Kumamoto in Mt. Aso

Mt. Aso is a mountain in Kumamoto Prefecture. Mt. Aso is an eminent mountain also in the world. Mt. Aso is a symbol of Kumamoto. Because the volcanic activity becomes active at one stage, it is prohibited to go to be near. Moreover, the standard name of Mt. Aso is called Aso gogaku. I went to Kumamoto for the first time when in the second grade of elementary school I. At that time, I went to Mt. Aso for the first time. I was very impressed by the Mt. Aso that had been seen for the first time. I want to go some time.


vacations plan

  I want to introduce my memories during summer vacation. I went on a trip to Kumamoto when in the second grade of elementary school. I went to Kumamoto was the first time. Mt. Aso that I remained most in impressions. Mt. Aso is a mountain in Kumamoto Prefecture. Mt. Aso is an eminent mountain also in the world. Mt. Aso is a symbol of Kumamoto. Because the volcanic activity becomes active at one stage, it is prohibited to go to be near. Moreover, the standard name of Mt. Aso is called Aso gogaku. I went to Kumamoto for the first time when in the second grade of elementary school I. At that time, I went to Mt. Aso for the first time. I was very impressed by the Mt. Aso that had been seen for the first time. I want to go some time. My summer memory is very good.


About my summer vacation

My summer vacation plan is part-time job. I think that to do work for summer vacation. I want to hard working. And I want too many money.Because, I have a many free time. I hope to something experience for summer vacation. So, I am looking forward to summer vacation. But, I want to hard study about English and Russian. Because I think lack to my English level. So, I will study to grammar. At end of summer vacation, I will want to level up about English. And, I want to study Russian. I studies for Russian. Russian is very difficult. Because, I can't read Russian's word. This word is almost different for English. So I think that very difficult it. I will effort to summer vacation. And, I want to play to the beach. Because I am swimming well on the sea. I hope to back to my home. My home is Nagasaki. Nagasaki is very beautiful spot. Nagasaki's fish is very delicious. I used to lived in Tsushima. There is great spot for me. Tsushima is my hometown. So, I want to back for summer vacation.


About the Marcel and The Mona Lisa

I read the "Marcel and the Mona Lisa". Marcel is a French mouse,and a detective. He has lots of friends in Paris. One of them is Celine. She pains pictures and is very beautiful. Celine's home is at the Louvre. Marcel often goes there for dinner. One evening in May he arrives with some pink flowers. There is a guard at the door. "I don't know him,"Marcel thinks. "He must be new". Then he walks inside.
The two friends eat,drink and talk all evening. Celine shows Marcel her new paintings. They talk about their summer holiday in Los Angeles. They laugh, play jazz records and tell lots of stories. Then at 11 o'clock Marcel puts on his coat. "It's late,"I must go home," Two minutes later he leaves. "Good night,"says Celine. Then she closes her front door.
Marcel walks across the floor. He is very happy. Then he stops. The room is dark,but he can see something. What is it? A man? A man with a long knife? Yes! Suddenly Marcel's mouth is very dry. He runs to the wall. Then, after five seconds he looka again. This time he can see the man's face. "It's that new guard,"he thinks. "And he's stealing the Mona Lisa!"
Next to the thief there is a black bag. Two minutes later the Mona Lisa is inside it. The thief smiles and picks up the bag. But a second later he puts it down again. "Car keys,"he says,and begins to lockin all his pockets. "All right-this is it,"Marcel thinks. "It's now or never." He runs along the wall very fast,climbs up the tall,black bag,and jumps inside it.
At the bottom of the bag Marcel can see a face. The Mona Lisa's face. She is smiling at him."Now what?"he asks her.There is no answer,but at that moment the bag starts to move. Marcel can hear lots of noises:a motor starts-traffic goes by -a radio plays. Then the bag suddenly stops. Marcel climbs the painting and looks out. "A railway station!"
Five minutes later the Louvre'guard'gets on a train. He sits next to a thin man in sunglasses and a white jacket. "Have you got it,Antoine?"the thin man asks. "Yes,"the guard answers. After that the train starts and there is a lot of noise. "Oh no! Now I can't hear them,"Marcel thinks. But he can hear one or two words. "Italy",for example,and "all those cats".
"Cats!"Marcel looks at the Mona Lisa. His eyes are two big saucers. "But cats kill mice,"he thinks. "They eat them. And where are we going in Italy? Rome? Milan? Naples?" But at that moment Antoine puts the bag under the seat. "Now I really can't hear," Marcel thinks. Then he goes to sleep and has a very bad dream.
Early next morning the sun is shining. Marcel opens his eyes and sees the Mona Lisa. Then he remebers where he is. He runs up the painting and looks at Antoine and Henri.
"Good,"he thinks. "The'y asleep."Ten seconds later, Marcel is standing at the window. He can see a small village and some mountains. Then a sign goes by:a hundred and eighty kilometres to Venice!
Two hours later Antoine and Henri are on a gondola. "Look,"says Antoine and laughs.He
shows Henri a newspaper story. It says,'THIEVES TAKE DA VINCI PAINTING'. Henri
says,"Be quiet!"and turns to the boatman. "Do you see that big palace on the left?"
"Signor Spandini's house?" "Yes. Stop there." inside the bag Marcel hears every word.
An old woman answers the front door. "come in,"she says to the two thieves. "Signor Spandini is waiting for you." She takes them to a big,dark room. A fat man is sitting behind a desk. "Have you got it?" he asks. "Yes,Boss," Henri answers. The bag is beside him."I can't stay in here ,"Marcel thinks .He jumps out of the bag and hides behind a chair. "Good,"he thinks. "Now I can" But then he goes cold. "Cats!" There are seven, eight-no nine of them in the room. Suddenly Marcel remebers Henri's words-"all those cats." Then he remebers his dream on the train. What can he do? Where can he go? But it is too late. One of the cats sees him. "Help!" Marcel thinks and climbs up a red curtain. A moment later the cat starts climbing,too. Marcel can hear it below him. He has to do something-and fast! But what? Then he sees two candles above his head. "That's the answer."he thinks. He jumps onto the bookcase and starts to push the candles over. They are very heavy,but in the end he does it. Below him he hears,"Yeeooowwwww!"
"What's all that noise?" asks Antoine. "Look!the carpet's on fire!says Henri. Spandini stands up. "Angelina!Quick,bring some water."Marcel looks over the bookcase. He can see the Mona Lisa on Spandini's desk. "OK,"he thinks. "This is it." After that he runs down the curtain,across Spandini's desk, picks up the Mona Lisa, and runs out of the room.
Marcel runs for a long time. Hthinks,"I want to leave the Mona Lisa somewhere safe.
But where? "Then , after twenty minutes, he stops in a quiet street. In front of him there is a police station. The front door has a lettert box. "Of course!" Marcel thinks . "That's it." He stands up tall. Then he pushes the Mona Lisa through the letter-box.
Two days later Marcel is in Paris again. At the station he sees a newspaper. It says, 'ITALIAN POLICE FIND THE MONA LISA'. Then he goes to the Louvre and tells Celine everything. "Nine cats!"she says. "Oh Marcel, are you all right?""Yes,I'm fine,"Marcel answers. He goes to Celine's window. "And the Mona Lisa's fine,too. Look,Celine. She'S smiling.
I think that Marcel and Celine is very happy. This story is very deep impact for me. I want to read again this story later.


Blue fins

I read to the "Blue Fins". This story is very hot day. the sun is shining. The sky is bule. The hot sun is shining in the blue sky. Jen lives in Australia. Jen and her friends are not at college today. It is the weekend. Jen is on the beach. She's standing on the hot sand. She's waving to her boyfriend ,Rick. Rick and Jen's friends are in the sea. They are swimming and surfing. Rick is very happy. He has a new surfboard. The surfboard is red and white. Rick's favorite sport is surfing. Jen walks along the beach. She sits on some rocks. Jen puts her blue rubber fins on her feet. She puts the yellow mask and snorkel on her face. the water is warm. Her blue fins splash loudly.
 Jen takes a big breath. She dives under the water. She moves her blue fins and swims very quickly. She goes down and down. She can see fish and plants. She can see fish and plants through her yellow mask. The fish and plants are very beautiful. The fish swim all round her . Jen can see yellow fish. She can blue fish. There are green,red and white fish. Jen looks at the plants. They grow on the rocks. There are tall plants. There are small plants.
Jen touches the plants. Some plants are soft. Some plants are hard. Fish live in the plants and rocks. Jen sees a sea urchin. She doesn't touth. the sea urchin. It's dangerous. It has sharp spines.
Jen swims up to get air. Her snorkel comes out of the water. Jen takes a big breath. She dives down under the water again. Jen swims past a large rock. Suddenly, she stops. The dolphin is in a net. The net is round the dolphin's body. The net is round the rocks. The dolphin can not swim up to get air. The beautiful,blue dolphin is dybing. The dolphin moves its fins slowly. But the net is strong. The dolphin can not break the net.
Jen pulls the net from the rocks. She pulls the net from the dolphin. The dolphin is out of the net. The dolphin moves its fins quickly. It swims fast. The dolphin swims up and up.
Next day everybody is swimming . No one is surfing. The sea is flat. The sun is high in the sky. The hot sunshines on the water. The hot sunshines on the water. The water is silver and blue.
Men, women and children are in the sea. They are playing and laughing . Everybody is happy. The lifeguard watches the sea. He lokks at the people swimming. Suddenly,he shouts loudly.
The shark is swimming quickly. It is hungry . Its black fin is above the water. The shark is swimming towards the people. Everybody is frightened. Sharks are dangerous.
They have long,sharp teeth. Everybody swims towards the beach. Jen and Rick are swimming a long way from the beach. The shark comes towards Rick. Jen is very frightened. She shouts at Rick.
Rick sees the shark's black fin above the water. The shark is thirty metres away. Jenand Rick swim towards the beach. Now the shark is fifteen metres away. Jen can see the shark's sharp,white teeth. Suddenly, they see another fin in the water. A blue fin. It is a dolphin! It is the beautiful,blue dolphin. The dolphin is swimming towards the shark. The dolphin hits the shark.
The dolphin hits the shark again and again. The shark swims away. Rick and Jen are safe.
I was good feel that I read the this story. Dolphin is very clever animal. I think that this story is very good. I like to bigin dolphin.
