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Friday, July 16, 2010

Down comes the Rain

I read the Down Comes The Rain. Rain comes from clouds. It comes from black clouds,white clouds,and gray clouds. All clouds-big ones and little ones, gray ones and white ones-are made of billions of tiny drops of water. The drpos are called dropslets,because they are so small. If this is the size of a drop of water,a droplet would be just at tiny speck, even smaller than this one. Water droplets come from water vapor. Water vapor is a gas. Water vapor is made when water evaporates. That means the water changes from a liquid to a gas. Most of the water vapor in the air comes from lakes,rivers,and oceans. It comes from the leaves of plants,and from the wet ground. When you breath out,you put water vapor into the air. Usually,you can't see the water vapor. But it is there. When cows, horses, dogs, and cats breathe out, they put water vapor into the air,too. On a cold day,the water vapor changes to droplets and makes little clouds that you can see.
You can make water vapor change to water. Sometimes the glaa stays dry. That means there is not much water vapor in the air. The air holds the water vapor. Breezes carry it from one place to another. Much of the vapor moves up and away from the earth.
 A single droplet is so small you can not see it. But you can see a cloud. That's because there are millions and millions of water droplets in a cloud. Sometimes there are only a few small raindrops that fall slowly. It is drizzling. Sometimes there are lots of big drops that fall very fast. Now it is pouring. Sometimes the drops in clouds freeze. These raindrops become ice drops. This can happen even on a hot summer day. That's because the clouds and water droplets are high above the earth. many clouds are so high that it is freezing cold. In these high, cold clouds, water vapor changes to droplets,and the droplets change to drops. The drops freeze into ice. As they are carried upward, more water collects on the tiny bits of ice. When that water freezes, the drops of ice have another layer on them. The ice drops are now heavier, so once more they fall toward the earth. but air moving away from the earth. But air moving away from the earth may carry the ice drops upward again, Higher and higher they go,and another layer of ice freezes onto them. The ice drops get heavier. They get so heavy that the air can no longer carry them upward. So the ice drops fall to the earth. It is raining ice.
It evaporrates from lakes, rivers, and oceans. It evaporates from the leaves of plants and from the wet ground. It evaporates from cows and horses,from cats and dogs, when the water vapor cools, it condenses. The water vapor changes to water droplets, and all together the droplets make clouds. Water droplets join together to make water drops. The drpos fall to the earth from the clouds.
Once more it is raining.


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