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Saturday, January 29, 2011


I read the about Gandhi. Mohandes Karamchand Gandhi was born in 1869 in Porbandar, in the west of India. His family were Hindus. I think that he is the greatest one of the past great man. In India, most Indians are Hindus. Gandhi was working various work. He worked, lawyer, religion activity, political leader. His thinks not violence and not submission. He was childhood, he did not good grades. And more, his behavior was bad in childhood. In 1893, he become lawyer. And he opened lawyer office in South Africa. He thought that racial discrimination is bad thing. And he hoped to nothing racial discrimination in the world.
Now, many people now follow Gandhi's ideas. Gandhi did not win every fight. Some of his ideas did not work. But he always followed his truth. And the light of his truth shines for many people today. I think that Gandhi is peaceful people. I hope to became a peace world too.

160words 2.2p

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