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Monday, January 31, 2011

Speaking homework in spring

1. Do you think it is better to live with your parents to live alone?
I think it is better to live with my parents because washing and the housework of the meal etc. is that parents do everything. I think that I often assume that it is a living of one person, become busy, and destroy the life rhythm worsening physical condition. It is safe because it looks after when upsetting one's health if it lives with parents. Therefore, I think that you should live with parents.

2. Do you think it is better to live in a dormitory or to live with your parents?
I think it is better to live with my parents because the dormitory is that there is a closing time. It is possible to play freely because you may return when it is my house at what time. Therefore, I think that you should live with parents.

3. Do you think it is better to do a part-time job or to divot yourself completely to study?
I think it is better to do a part-time job because the desire that the mechanism of the interpersonal relationship and the society that learns by part-time is also important though study is also important. I think slowness even if it tries to learn it after it goes into the workforce. And, I think that you should do part-time because I think that the person that the person who is living alone also lives with parents also has money respectively.

4. Do you think club activities are important part of your education?
Yes. I think that club activities is a very important education. It is because of the desire that it can be learnt not to learn by school lessons a lot. For example, it is which interpersonal relationship etc. of the senior and the junior. I think that club activities is very important because I can learn a necessary thing after it goes into the workforce.

5. Would you prefer to live traditional tatami room or western-style room?
I like western-style room. It is because of fashionable.

6. Should students pay part or all of their tuition fees instead of their parents paying the full cost?
I think that I borrow the scholarship by school expenses, and pay me by myself. Because the university goes since it wants to go for myself, I think that I should bear school expenses by myself though parents pay and it existed to the high school.


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