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Monday, January 31, 2011

Herman Melville

I introduce to Herman Melville. He was born in New York City. His father was a successful merchant. However, the business had field and the family was sad. And His father was dead in 1832. I feel that sad listen to his episode. His father dead later, Melville left school to help support the family. He is very kind. And in 1837, he went to sea. This experience is important for him. Because, HIs first novel about sea. It was written by sea adventure. His next book's name is "Marai". This novel written at 1849. This novel is philosophical. I think that Melville's best novel is "Moby-Dick". This novel is sea adventure. This story is people vs big white whale. He became a famous for this novel. But he published no further novels after 1857, and worked for the rest of his life as an officer in the New York Custom House. He did publish poetry. And his last years returned to fiction. "Billy Budd Sailor" was left unfinished at his death in 1891 and first published in 1924.


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