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Sunday, January 30, 2011

New York

I read the about "New York." In the 1650s, about 500 people lived in the quiet little Dutch town of New Amsterdam. Now, in the twenty first century, New Amsterdam is the city of New York. I have continuation for New York. I think that New York is state of the art in the world. Because, everybody want to go to New York. So, New York is attractive for every people. New York begin to four hundred years ago. Manhattan Island was the home of the Native American people called the Algonquin Indians. New York is beautiful city. But, New York was sad on 11 September, 2001. At 8:46 a.m. on that day an American Airlines plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Seventeen minutes later, at 9:03 a.m, a United Airlines plane crashed into the South Tower. This bad event was big impact for the world. In those days, I'm 11 years old. I can't forget that news. I feel sad. Because this event were killed many people in a day. In survey, thousands of people died in and near the center.
Today, this place is called "Ground Zero." Now, many visitors to New York like to go there and remember 11, September. It is one more story one of the unhappiness stories from this city. I think that New York want to heals that forget that sad event.

235words 2.2p

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