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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Speaking class homework -survey

Hello everyone. We are going to announce about our survey. We searched about a part-time job.
Fifty students from Kumamoto Gakuen University were surveyed.

Q1. Do you have a part-time job?
Eighty four percent of those surveyed replied that they have a part-time job.

We asked three question people who answered YES.
QA. Do you like your part-time job?
Sixteen percent said that they like their part-time job.
QB. Do you think you want to resign your part-time job?
Five percent said that they want to resign their part-time job.
QC. How many a part-time job, have you had?
The most common answer is forty second percent of the two times.
The least common answer is five percent of the four times.

Next, We asked three question people who answered NO.
QA. Have you ever had a part-time job?
All people said YES.
QB. Now, are you looking for a part-time job?
Sixty second point five percent said YES.
QC Why do you not have a part-time job?
Their answer are “study is serious”, “having resigned the part-time job”, ”extracurricular activities are done”.

Q2. How many hours do you work in a day?
In order of most answer, sixty nine percent of three to five hours, seventeen percent of one to three hours, fourteen percent of more than five hours.

Q3. How much do you make in a month?
More than fifty percent said 50,000 yen to 80,000 yen. The least common answer is 10,000 yen to 30,000 yen.
Q4. When is your payday?
Almost all the people said fifteenth days or twenty fifth days. The most common answer in the people who answered as other with is tenth days.

Q5. What is importance when you chose a part-time job?
Thirty six percent said that the most importance is distance from home. Many of the following are high hourly wage and with friend.

Q6. What kind of a part-time job do you want to do?
In order of most answer, twenty eight percent of restaurant, twenty four percent of Japanese pub, twenty percent of fast food, ten percent of shop capacity, six percent of cabaret club and gas station, four percent of convenience store, two percent of cram school teacher.

Q7. What kind of a part-time job do you not want to do?
In order of most answer, twenty two percent of convenience store, twenty percent of gas station, eighteen percent of cabaret club, twelve percent of fast food, ten percent of Japanese pub, eight percent of shop capacity, six percent of cram school teacher, four percent of restaurant.
The answer of this question almost became opposite with the answer of question six.

Q8. What do you use your salary for?
Many people use money on hobby and play and shopping. We think great people who pay room rent and cell phone rent.

Q9. Do you use all your salary or do you save a little money?
Sixty two percent said use all. We were surprised that many people save money.

Thank you for listening!
Are there any question?


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