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Monday, January 31, 2011

United State of America

I want to introduce the United States. The standard nomenclature is the United States. There is no official language in the United States. The capital city is Washington. The United States population is 314.65 million people. The United States is the United States federal republic. The war of independence happened in the United States in 1775. And, the United States did the declaration of independence at 1776. At that time, the president is Lincoln. The United States is the best economic power in the world. The United States positively participated in the war. Japan was lost at the United States. Moreover, the United States is a vast terrain. The United States is cold land. United States's sports are famous. United States's baseball is very active. Baseball of the United States is called Major League. In Major League, the level is a high league the most in the world. I like to see the Major League. I like Ichiro. I think that Ichiro is a perfect player. His batting is very wonderful. Moreover, the defense and his running are also great. I like his throwing. His throwing is called a laser beam. He is a player of Major League No.1. And, United States's American football is very famous. The American football is popular as much as Major League.
United States, the gastronomic culture is famous. And, the song and art are also famous. Moreover, United States's media is active. I want to go to the United States some time.


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